6 Reasons You Should Be Swaddling Your Baby
18th Feb 2016
In almost all cases, babies prefer to be swaddled. In very rare
cases can a baby
not be swaddled, but
these are rare. You won’t make your baby addicted to it or prevent them from
learning how to self-soothe, and a little bit of fight is expected in the
A swaddled baby will make you both happier. Here’s why…
1. It makes them comfortable
When your baby was in the womb, he or she constantly felt pressure from every side. They only had limited motion of their arms and legs, no matter how hard they tried. When you wrap a baby in a blanket or tuck them into a swaddle, you’re sending them back to a time when everything was comfortable and stress-free.
2. It makes them feel safe
There’s a lot going on in your little one’s life right now. There are thousands of new sensations and feelings going through their brain. They struggle just to cope with it all. But when they’re swaddled, they can stop trying to focus on all that newness and relax.
3. It fights the startle reflex
The startle reflex is your baby’s innate urge to grab on to something when they feel like they’re falling. (This is an evolutionary trait from the days when humans were nomadic.) Unfortunately, this cue happens a lot, even when they’re sleeping. A swaddle inhibits the reflex by making them less likely to feel off balance and making them feel secure and safe when the reflex does manage to trigger.
4. It makes your baby cry less
Soothing is a BIG part of parenting. You may have met all your child’s needs, but they’re still crying. This likely means they have an emotional need that needs to be met. Swaddling should never take the place of showing your child affection, but it can help. Wrap your baby firmly (but not tightly) in a blanket and hold him/her close to your chest. Watch the tears dry right up.
5. It helps your baby sleep better
For all of the reasons above, a swaddle helps your baby sleep better. During the first half a year of your child’s life, getting them to sleep will be much of what you think about. This means you’ll want to have every tool you can come up with, not just for your own sanity, but also to help your baby’s development.
6. It reduces the risk of SIDS
This is the most important reason of all. The American Pediatric Association has done plenty of studies and confirmed that children who are swaddled are less likely to die of SIDS. The theory is that a swaddled baby can’t accidentally cover their mouth and it makes them unable to flip on to their stomachs – both of which are causes of SIDS.
Did you swaddle your baby? Tell us your experience.
Written by Alicia Overby - Founder & President of Baby Elephant Ears
Alicia is wife, mother, and creator of Baby Elephant Ears. Baby Elephant Ears was created out of parental concern, not financial desire. In 2005, when their second child was an infant, he cried all the time and just couldn't seem to get comfortable.
After seeking advice and suggestion from the medical community and alternative medicine, they eventually ended up in the chiropractors office where their baby was successfully treated for asubluxation, discomfort most likely the result of the strain during labor, which was now being exacerbated by the normal lack of infant neck strength. Only proper neck, head, and back alignment would offer him relief. When they couldn't find a product to give their baby the necessary support, Alicia took matters into her own hands and crafted her own infant support pillow. The first Baby Elephant Ears was born!
For more information, visit www.babyelephantears.com.
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Image: StarMama/Flickr